modern art, abstract art
oil painting "A Date With Mona Lisa"
„A Date With Mona Lisa“, oil on canvas
„What composers do with music, poets with words, I wish with my paintings: inspire people and create emotions. I want to trigger impulses that make the soul of the viewer vibrate.
ABSTRAKTE KUNST, moderne Kunst, Ölgemälde

Abstract art creates images in the minds and souls of viewers, capture their imagination and emotion. Volkers pictures arise from all the senses and feelings: they are sensual, un-premeditated and with a playful love for enigmatic details.

Grace Under Pressure (Hemingway)“ abstract art – 80 x 80 cm, Ölgemälde inspiriert von Hemingways berühmten Worten: menschlich Größe und Mut angesichts großer Herausforderungen, Details bei Singulart–grace-under-pressure-hemingway-952641

Rebecca Ashlock (Head of Sale of SINGULART)

Volker Mayr’s work is well-suited for a sophisticated and discerning audience that appreciates contemporary abstract art. With the introduction of new series or ongoing innovation, there is potential to raise prices as his work gains further recognition. Mayr’s strong market potential is underscored by the broad appeal of his international style. His art is particularly well-positioned for luxury environments, such as high-end interior design projects and upscale hotels.

Art Prize for „Grace Under Pressure: GOLD AWARD – First Prize – Annual Art Competition 2021
A review of my art was published by ARTTOUR International Magazine ICON in June 2023
ICON Magazine a review of Volker’s art

Examples of unique digital art from my oil paintings on Alu-Dibond under Acryl 80 x 80 x 0,7 cm or 60 x 80 x 0,7 cm

„My dreams tend to be colorful – thus, my paintings follow my dreams“

Ölbild zu den Herausforderungen der Zukunft
Kunstpreis / Art Prize „ART for HOPE SPECIAL AWARD“ of Palm Art Award 2021 for „Let’s Face The Future And Act Now“, Oil on canvas, 80x100cm, 2021

The art historian Gerhard Charles Rump about Volker Mayr: 

„Mayrs paintings in their combination of painterly gestures and visible structures of the colour mass are remarkable, the colours themselves, their tones. They move in rarely explored areas, do not jump at the viewer, but require sensitive approach and a willingness to see them with patience to see all traces of nuances. Images as they are dynamic in origin and have a form of inventory, that makes a meditative element.“ 

Volker Mayr lives and works in Berlin. In the beginning of his art career he started with realistic painting. Since 1985, non-figurative works predominate with references to abstract expressionism. Considerable place take digital art as NFTs or Alu-Dibonds.

Abstrakte Kunst gehört für Volker Mayr zu den schönsten Möglichkeiten, Gefühle auszudrücken und zu erzeugen
abstrakte Kunst, moderne Kunst, Ölgemälde
„Celebration Of Colours“ Details at Singulart:

„Celebration Of Colours“, „This work is overwhelming.“ Jury review by the Netherlands art-competition PAINTING OF THE YEAR:

„This work is overwhelming. At first sight it seems to be total chaos. But looking longer you discover a vertical structure in the whole that gives you a grip. White is important in this work. Because this colour is of an entirely different order. An almost heavenly order. It gives little moments of escape, as if you are looking through the work.“  

Mein künstlerischer Appell zum Klimaschutz und zur Rettung unseres Planeten vor Zerstörungen jeglicher Art mit einem Ölbild, das von einer Friedenstaube inmitten von Chaos dominiert wird „Peace For The Planet“, 120 x 90 cm

Kunstpreis "Gold Award" der World Association of Artists WAA USA
Gold Award Art Prize for my oil painting „Fiesta“ 

Das Ölbild „Fiesta“ erhielt den GOLD AWARD (1.Preis) der World Association of Artists (USA) in deren internationalem Jahres-Kunstwettbewerb 2020

This artwork is SOLD

Ein Kunstliebhaber in Florida hat dieses Ölbild gekauft

POWER OF CREATIVITY ART PRIZE of Contemporary Art Curator Magazine 2021 für das abstrakte Gesamtwerk

Volkers Bilder befinden sich in zahlreichen privaten Sammlungen in Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien und den USA, außerdem in den Sammlungen von Vattenfall, Deutsche Bank, Jakob-Kaiser-Haus und Hotel Bristol-Kempinski Berlin

Volker Mayrs Online- Galerien:



NFTs on OpenSea

Volkers Social Media Accounts:

Instagram @volkermayr


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abstrakte kunst, moderne kunst und interior design